Hover over any tweak, and helpful tooltips will tell you what the tweak does. Like its predecessors, UWT 4.0 sports a clean, minimalistic UI, offering links in the left panel, and tabs on the top, in some categories. This tweaker is just around 750 KB in size and includes over 200 tweaks. Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10

Windows 7 & Windows Vista users should continue to use Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2.Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 should continue to use Ultimate Windows Tweaker 3.Windows 11 users can use Ultimate Windows Tweaker 5.While you may be able to access all these via the Windows 10 Settings app, the Registry Editor or the Group Policy Editor, Ultimate Windows Tweaker makes things easier for you by offering all useful tweaks from its single UI. Ultimate Windows Tweaker is like a TweakUI for Windows 10. With judicious tweaking, it can make your system faster, more stable, personal, and more secure with just a few mouse clicks. Those of you who have upgraded to Windows 10, would want to use it to judiciously tweak your Windows 10 and personalize your computing experience.

The most popular tweaking software, Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10 adds several new tweaks for the new operating system.