LastPass has very good security, and has a legal agreement with UCL to apply strong security to their service. Is it safe to keep all of my passwords in one place? When you are finished with LastPass, make sure that you log out of LastPass, and check that this has completed, before you leave the device. If you follow the correct steps and ensure that you log out of LastPass when you have finished using the device, it is safe to use it on a shared device. Top queries Is it safe to use LastPass on a shared computer?
View help guides on the official LastPass website. Watch the LastPass: A better way to secure your UCL credentials video (below) that gives you an overview of what LastPass is and how it works. Follow our Install and log in to LastPass how-to guide which includes setting up multi-factor authentication.
It’s another layer of protection that stops others from accessing your account, even if they stole your password.īecause of the security benefits provided by multi-factor authentication, we strongly recommend turning it on for your LastPass account. It requires something you know (your master password) plus something you have (like your phone or a token) or something you are (like your fingerprint).
Multi-factor authentication, or MFA, is a feature that asks you for more than just your username and password when you log in. The one for personal passwords can be taken with you if you leave UCL and used with the free consumer version of LastPass. The licence we have for LastPass provides two password vaults, one for UCL-related passwords and one for personal passwords.
Email ISG who will then provision an account for you. The browser plugin has been pre-installed on all Windows 10 machines. We recommend that you download the browser plugin from LastPass and/or the app from the app store for your mobile. LastPass then creates a unique password for every website you use and remembers them all for you, so you don't feel like you have to re-use passwords. LastPass also allows you to share passwords with other LastPass users, so it’s ideal for using in teams that need to share passwords. It also stops you re-using passwords, which is not good practice if one account is compromised it could compromise all accounts that you have that use that same password. The advantage of using a password manager is that you only ever have to remember one password, instead of dozens for all the individual accounts that you have. This service is currently available to UCL staff only. LastPass is a password manager that allows you to store all your passwords encrypted in one place.